Grand Beauty Bouquet
A truly awe-inspiring arrangement, this breathtaking bouquet blends roses, hydrangea and orchids in a pretty palette of pinks. Accented with fresh greens in an elegant gray pot, it's a grand gift they'll never forget!
This grand arrangement features dark pink hydrangea, pink cymbidium orchid blossoms, crème roses, hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, green trick dianthus, peach hypericum, sword fern, dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Modern Heritage pot.
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in CAD ($)
- Due to an increase in the cost of roses, some product prices may be impacted during the Valentine’s delivery period
Standard | Deluxe | Premium |
GEV56-6A | GEV56-6B | GEV56-6C |