Holiday Enchantment Bouquet

Holiday Enchantment Bouquet

  • $89.00
    Unit price per 

Take your holiday gift-giving to new heights with this dramatic bouquet! Classic red roses, snowy lilies and naturally festive berries and pine are gathered in a tall arrangement they'll long remember.


A lavish arrangement of red roses, white asiatic lilies, red carnations, noble fir, white pine, red berries, accented with silver pinecones and leaves. Finished with a rich red ribbon, this bouquet is dressed in holiday style.

Approximately 17" W x 19" H


  • Orientation : All-Around

  • All prices in CAD ($)

  • Due to an increase in the cost of roses, some product prices may be impacted during the Valentine’s delivery period

 Standard Deluxe Premium
GWR07-1A GWR07-1B GWR07-1C